I am always happy to receive feedback on my biography courses, including this mail today from Gisela Vorwerg: “To tell stories of one’s life is one thing – whether they’re interesting or exciting for readers is another.

I did not have to cope with any nervous breakdowns, but developed like many others in the post-war period. My story is not written for the public. Too little of note! I thought more about my children and grandchildren and told them the story of my life this way. Friends and relatives also play their parts in this. The biography assignments forced me to think more carefully about what it was like, how I reacted in certain situations. I recognize some parallels with later generations, and also some of the same preferences.

I’ve just read about the idea of writing a second version, in which I put the “not so nice” incidents. Not a bad idea, in the end you can always look at what you’d rather leave out. I still have a lot of work ahead of me. This year I have to get to the end. That’s my goal.”