Partner Programme

Would you like to recommend one or more of the biographical writing courses on your homepage and make a profit on each new subscriber? Easily done – without any financial risk to you! You will receive 50 per cent of the sales revenue generated through each subscriber you acquire. Isn’t that a fair offer?

You will be sent all publicity texts free of charge, and you can use them for your own homepage. If you get a request from a client, forward our free biography assignment No. 001 under your name. If they enrol with you for the writing course, send us their order and we will deliver all the weekly biography assignments, Nos. 002 to 101. For as long as “your” client participates in the course you will receive 50% of their sales revenue.

Exception: Your own participation is excluded from the partner programme discount (a logical conclusion, wouldn’t you agree?).
If you are interested, simply mail us with a link to your homepage:

For an example, please visit the page of one of our partners: