Short Biography Course

The short biography course consists of nine assignments and is designed for anybody who would simply like to write their own biography in a relatively short space of time.

With the help of nine weekly biography assignments containing tips, guidance and instructions on content and the art of writing, your biography will quickly start to take shape.

Participation fee

The participation fee is USD 76.00 for nine weekly biography assignments. Your invoice will be sent to you as soon as you subscribe.

Get your free trial now – with Biography Assignment No. 01

Take a look at the titles of the nine biography assignments. Your participation in the course, which consists of these nine biography assignments (72 pages in total, including the free assignment No. 1), will begin as soon as we receive your subscription and payment of the full fee.

Your biography assignments will arrive weekly – generally on Wednesdays – as email attachments in PDF format.

You can start your writing course at any time!

Participation fee in your country

9 assignments
Australia/ AUD 97.00
Canada/ CAD 89.00
Great Britain/ GBP 54.00
Ireland/ EUR 64.00
New Zealand/ NZD 103.00
USA/ USD 71.00

List of nine biography assignments

No. 01: Living on in your own biography – why you should write the story of your life
No. 02: Time and memory – how to approach your recollections
No. 03: Parents and grandparents
No. 04: Childhood and youth
No. 05: Basic rules for creating an exciting narrative
No. 06: Love and marriage
No. 07: Working life and your life’s work
No. 08: Beginning and ending – writing the preface and epilogue, organization and structure
No. 09: Editing, end-of-course summary and feedback questionnaire

PS: If you have enjoyed this short course so much that you would like to join my comprehensive writing course with 101 biography assignments (approximately 680 pages in total), you are very welcome to transfer to the longer course. If you do this, we will deduct the cost of your short course!